Whether I’m sewing, crocheting, card making, painting, or doodling, I’m always making something here in Kamloops, B.C. Don’t forget to check out my free digitals and vintage graphics while you’re here. Enjoy your visit!

Aug 6, 2024

Insta Inspiration

Good morning,

Today I have some fabric projects I made. There’s so much inspiration on Instagram, so I decided to try something in the style of Karolina.bcraft. I love her makes, which are mostly postcard size pieces of fabric which are sewn and quilted, and then embroidered on. Do check her out if you’re on Instagram. 

This picture turned out a bit wonky because I put it on a card with carpenters tape. I hoped I had a better photo, but I’m afraid this is it. 

Then I saw another make by raspberry.stitches. Same kind of idea except she does little scenes with beads in them. She’s recently expanded to 3D projects which are also very nice. 

This is what I made in my first attempt. I’m hoping to do more like this but in rectangular frames.

I like to try everything at least once and then see where I can go from there. 

These were fun little projects to do. Check these girls out if you get a chance. I love the inspiration!

PS: I go by Carmengamble3066 on Instagram

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Hi Carmen - I have just requested to follow you on IG. Love these wee projects... especially the first one, that really appeals to me

    1. Thank you! And thank you for following on Instagram!🙂


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