Whether I’m sewing, crocheting, card making, painting, or doodling, I’m always making something here in Kamloops, B.C. Don’t forget to check out my free digitals and vintage graphics while you’re here. Enjoy your visit!

Feb 24, 2017

New Crochet Patterns by me!


I am so excited! Today I posted my first written crochet pattern for Freezie Holders, for sale on Ravelry. There are currently 2 patterns available for sale, and 1 free pattern. Check these out!
UPDATE: all are free! Instructions are also posted on the blog—see sidebar.

The first pattern includes a Hootie Owl, a Pirate Parrot and a Chilly little Penguin,

The second pattern features a Zombie, a Mummy and a Frankenstein! 
Get your 'thrills' while enjoying your 'chills!'

And here's the Free Ninja Pattern available on this Blog and on Ravelry.

The above two patterns will be available in my Etsy Shop soon and I am in the process of getting Direct Checkout so you don't have to use Paypal if your prefer not to.

Thanks for stopping by! 

Feb 17, 2017

Free, Cute little Freezie Holders Pattern


One of my readers got a hold of me and asked me if I had a pattern for some freezie holders I featured on this blog some time ago. They were originally made for my grandkids at the request of their mother, who wanted something to keep their little fingers from freezing while enjoying their freezies.

As it turns out, I hadn't written a pattern for them, but decided, why not do it now? I made up 7 different freezie holders and am offering a pattern for one of them for free on this blog today.

I am in the process of setting up a Ravelry page for selling, but in the meantime, here is a photo of some of the patterns I've made.

As you can see, there's an Owl, Minion, Boy and Girl Mouse, Frankenstein and a Zombie. The older grandkids love halloween, so that's why the last two were created. These will fit a large size freezie and a regular size freezie. Some of these will be offered for free.

Hopefully I will be able to get the paid pattern onto Ravelry and into my Etsy shop soon. I will let you know when I do, and also when the free patterns are up.

And here's the FREE pattern I promised for today:

G Hook
Impeccable: Black, White and Dk Red yarn.
2 small black buttons or beads, thread or embroidery thread.

Row 1: Foundation HDC 18 and slip stitch to join. (18)
(or -Chain 19, HDC in 2nd chain from hook and 1 HDC in remaining chains. Join with slip stitch to first chain being careful not to twist the chain. Chain 1.  Work a row with 1 HDC in chain 1 space and 1 HDC in each remaining stitch. Slip stitch to join. Chain 1. This is your first row. Now go on to the rest of the pattern)

Row 2 to 14: 1 HDC in chain 1 space and 1 HDC in each stitch. Slip stitch to join. Chain 1. (18)
At the end of row 13, fasten off and work in ends.

You will be crocheting in the round (oval)

Row 1: Make a slip knot and chain 7

Row 2: SC in 2nd chain from hook, then SC 1 in next 4, 3 SC in last chain. Turn to work along the bottom of your starting chain. Now SC 1 along the bottom of your chain for 4 chains, 2 SC in last chain. Do not join. (14) 

Use a stitch marker to keep your count correct.

Row 3: 2 SC in first stitch of previous round, SC 1 in next 4, 2 SC in each of the next 3 stitches, SC 1 in next 4 sts, 2 SC in next 2 sts. (20) Slipt stitch to join.

Fasten Off, leaving a tail to sew in place.

Place the white oval bordering the bottom of the second row from the top. Sew in place. Sew 2 small buttons on white oval.  Use photo above for reference.

                  **Optional: make angry eyebrows with a bit of black embroidery thread.


Using Red yarn, make your slip knot about 8” up from the end of your yarn.  

On the right side of the body (3 rows up from the bottom) pick up a stitch and slip stitch the red yarn in place and pull chain tight. 

Chain about 13 (how many will depend on how tightly you crochet), pick up a stitch from the left side of body (3 rows up) and slip stitch to attach. Chain 13 and slip stitch where you started the belt. (You now have a belt going around the body on the 3rd row up from the bottom).

Continuing on - Chain 13, come around front of body and pick up a stitch from the left side just below the eyes (about 9 rows up from the bottom). Slip stitch to body to attach.

Chain 12, wrap around back of body and slip stitch to attach to starting point. Leave a tail.

With a darning needle, pick up both pieces of tail (one from the beginning of the chain, and the one you just left). Bring each one to the inside of the body and tie them together several times. Clip ends.

Now go grab a freezie, slip it in the holder and enjoy while keeping your fingers cozy! 

If you are unfamiliar with the Foundation HDC (and how to join it in a circle), and the Magic Circle, please go to Youtube, where there are many great instructional videos that show you how to make them. Here are two good ones...

Magic Circle:

Foundation HDC

Hope you enjoyed making this pattern and that the instructions were easy to read. 

UPDATE: NEW Freezie Holder Patterns available on Ravelry These are quick and easy to make, and your kids, grandkids, nieces and nephews will love them and you!

Have a good weekend! 

Feb 4, 2017

Valentine's Freebies and Ideas

Good Morning!

Valentine's Day is 10 days away!

I have quite a few freebies on this blog. However, I have gone through and am listing all the Valentine's Day type of freebies I have. Just click on the link and it will bring you to the right page. 




Music is the Language of Love

There are so many cute ideas out there for Valentine's Day, so thought I'd share a few of them.

This quick to make card is Stampin' Up's Sunshine Wishes Love Card.

And look at these cute little Pencil Valentine's. Perfect for school kids and super easy to make.

I also found these little Crocheted Heart Baskets from My Poppet. Adorableness!

Last, but definitely not least, these Funky Hearts by Lella Boutique
Super Cute and a fun little snowy day project.

Well, that should keep you busy for a while. Have a wonderful weekend.
