Just a quick note to let you know I haven't forgotten about your blog candy. I have been on the road, and just had my husband pick the winning entry out of a hat. A hearty thank you to all who participated in this blog candy!!
So without further adieu....the winner is.....DRUM roll please.....
Many thanks to all of you who are following my blog! I appreciate your visits!
Just a quick note to let you know I haven't forgotten about your blog candy. I have been on the road, and just had my husband pick the winning entry out of a hat. A hearty thank you to all who participated in this blog candy!!
So without further adieu....the winner is.....DRUM roll please.....
- Absolutely mind boggling Carmen....it's beautiful....how do we find out how to make one of these? I'd like to give it a try. What a lovely blog site as well...I'll have to try and spend some time having a look around.
Many thanks to all of you who are following my blog! I appreciate your visits!

Oh WOW Again Carmen....I knew I'd won it, but didn't realize you'd posted on here until now...Thanks Graham for picking my name out of the hat....it could have been a white rabbit instead! Thank you so much Carmen....I'm absolutely honored to receive that beautiful album....I will pamper myself now...blessings, Maureen :))♥