Whether I’m sewing, crocheting, card making, painting, or doodling, I’m always making something here in Kamloops, B.C. Don’t forget to check out my free digitals and vintage graphics while you’re here. Enjoy your visit!

Oct 25, 2020

Seagull's Paradise Sew-Along

You guys, I have been having so much fun the last little while! I decided to join a Sew-along to make a quilt. This is no ordinary quilt though. I love doing all different kinds of crafts, so when I can combine them, I'm a happy girl! This particular quilt incorporates applique, embroidery, hand sewing, machine sewing, using beads, and anything else you want to add. So. Much. Fun

To participate, you can download a free block every month for 12 months. However, you have only a month to download the block for that month, after that it's $5.99. I actually missed the first one so I paid for it, but I've downloaded the second and third blocks for free. If you're the type that's likely to miss a block, then you can also get a membership for this quilt pattern. If you are a gung-ho quilter that gets things done fast, then you can pay for the whole pattern at once and do it up right away. 

It's nice to have the three options and Suzy outlines it all on her page. She gives you the fabric yardages for the quilt top and the pattern for the month on her blog Suzy's Artsy Craftsy Sitcom

This is the link to go straight to the Seagulls Paradise Quilt. She's currently featuring the latest block release which is free until November 24. 

Suzy also has a Facebook page where you can share your versions of the quilts you're working on and share quilting information Suzy's Crafters and Quilters.

Alright, so here is my first quilt block: I ironed it before I took a photo which just made the background crease show, but once I've quilted the block, I think that will almost disappear. 

I'm fairly new to applique and so had to ask a few questions on the Facebook page. I'm trying to figure out which way I want to do it and have used two different ways here. I think I'll probably continue doing that because there are a few small pieces that are hard to turn and sew.

I laid out 'part' of the second block which I am currently working on. I've already decided I'm changing the small fish over as I don't like the look of them. I still have to cut out a few pieces and get them in place and then I'll iron them down and start the applique and the embroidery. The white in the corner of the photo is my sewing machine base. Oopsie. 

There's lots more to do on this one but I'll show you the completed block when I'm done. I'm already chomping at the bit to get to the Snails Trails and the Boat blocks that just came out for this coming month and am learning about leaders and enders. I was a bit delayed waiting for the fabric to arrive. I loved the fabric Suzy used and opted to purchase the same, but now that I have it, I'm moving along nicely.

I hope you're all having a terrific weekend, 



  1. So cute and beautiful colors.
    I looked at the website. It will be a fun finished quilt.

    1. I think so too! I thought about giving it to one of my grands, but it reminds me of the island, so I think I’ll keep it!😊

  2. What wonderful blocks Carmen - and a great project where you are incorporating so many different (and new) techniques. I look forward to seeing the blocks as you make them
    Stay safe

  3. You're doing a great job with the applique. Those seagulls are so cute!

    1. Thank you Disne! I’m still trying to figure out which method I prefer.


Thanks for the comments!