

May 27, 2017

Farmers Market Totes, Comfy Babies and Boot Cuffs

Good morning,

How are you all doing on this beautiful sunny day? It's going to be a hot weekend here in the Loops. Hopefully I can get a walk in before it gets too hot. So what have you been up to lately? Are you getting lots of crafting done? Do any of you sell your items, or are you like me - you just make things and give them all away?

Ah well, at least someone enjoys them, right?

I couldn't decide if I should just show you everything I've been up to lately, or divide it up into a number of posts since I haven't been all that good at posting regularly. Life kind of whirls around me and I'm never sure what will happen from one day to the next, but there's always something happening, it seems. 

So maybe I'll just start typing and see where it leads. 

I'll first share some of the crochet projects I've made up. I actually made something for myself this time. Some Saturdays I go to the Farmer's Market in Kamloops. I really enjoy this and will usually bring a fabric shopping bag (the kind they sell for 99 cents). I decided to upgrade when I found this super cute pattern on the Net. 

I'm wishing I'd made the handles a bit longer, but it'll be great the way it is. 

This was a free pattern (believe it or not). I love it.

Also, I'm not sure if I've mentioned it, but we are expecting another grandchild. I was asked to make some little baby sneakers. These came off my hook - - -

I was quite happy with how these turned out and will probably make more and see if I can sell them. The pattern came with a little converse box. Super cute! I couldn't adjust the margins on it with my computer, unfortunately, so I couldn't use the box.

I thought I'd shown you all my boot cuffs, but looking back on my blog, it turns out I only showed you one. So here's a photo of all of them. I believe these were all free patterns too. Don't quote me on that. 


I made up my own template for the boot cuff box. It's a bit different than the ones I show above, but after some edits, this is the one I decided to use. 

Trying to figure out what to make next with all that yarn? 

I saw a post on a Facebook page that our Vancouver Children's Hospital is looking for knitters and crocheters to make these little (at least 50% ) purple hats for babies that have 'shaken baby syndrome' and are now in hospital because of it. Apparently these little hats are helpful. The page has links for Canada and the US, so if you're American, you can still participate. 

They've provided this website: Period of Purple Crying for more information. You can make any pattern you like but because they're so small, something fairly plain and cute would probably be best. Here's the flyer that was posted. There's a number provided if you want more information. 

Such a worthwhile cause!!

My next post will be on Shrinky Dinks and then I'll be sharing a pouch I've been working on. I may include a written tutorial for it. It's a super easy pouch and fun to make. 

Have a wonderful day and Blessings to you,


  1. Love those little boots! And your other projects :)

  2. All great makes Carmen and nice to do things to help others. We have similar sites here in the UK

    Love Chrissie xx

    1. They're such worthy causes! Awesome!! Thank you!

  3. That bag is darling and your baby sneakers are so stinking cute! I love the boot cuffs too and the box you made. I will check out the link for the injured babies. Blessing hugs, Teresa

    1. Thank you, Teresa! That's so great! I'll be making a few hats too. Baby things are fun to do up!!


Thanks for the comments!