

Apr 16, 2019

Easter = New Life!

It's almost Easter!

I have family coming for Easter dinner this weekend, so I wanted to make something to put at each place setting. I'm not one to spend a lot of money on stuff like that, and I'm not really into the bunny thing. I love bunnies, but I wanted to focus more on the meaning of Easter being new life. So I went to my trusty Pinterest and found a cute idea. 

I went to the Dollar store and found some little peat pots, some chocolate eggs and some Easter grass. It cost me about $5.00. I had the bakers twine and glue at home. 

I trimmed the top of the pots then turned the pots upside down and put a bead of glue around the rim of the pot. I just tied the bakers twine around it, making sure it sat in the glue and let it dry. Then made a bow. 

Turn them right side up, add the grass and the eggs and walla! 

I could have put another egg in them, but I ran out. I may just pick up some little chicks and add one to each pot. 

I would say that's representative of new life! 

Well, have a great week,


  1. What a sweet table decoration Carmen, and so easily put together.
    I bought my children up with the admonition that the eggs represent the New Life we have in Jesus - they don't emphasis it the same as we did , but we did our best, and they do follow the Lord and are teaching their children the Truth, so I have a lot to be grateful for.

    1. Thank you Maxine! It's a little something to spruce up the table a bit. I'm truly happy for you. It's a blessing when our children follow God!


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