

May 23, 2018

My Little Prayer Pocket


On April 16th, 2018, I shared with you a prayer pocket that my sister in law made. I included the measurements she used so that you could make your own if you wanted to. Today I am bringing you my own little prayer pocket which I completed today. I used Janell's measurements.

Next I will show you photos of the tags front and back. In the middle is the pocket which has been sewn together. Surrounding it are 6 tags, one of which is actually a pad of paper to write on. 

Here are the backs. There is space to write on the back of most of them, with one having about 6 sheet of lined paper. 

Another photo of the pad. I have enclosed the pad in some cardstock to make it a little sturdier and to hide the staples at the top. 

Technically I should have another tag in here and I may still make one, but it doesn't need it. 

The idea is to write down any prayer requests on the pad and pray for them. Then when a prayer is answered, you can write it on the tag. Any used papers from the pad can be saved in the pocket and attached on the inside of the first pocket with the little clamp I have there.

When you compare Janell's and mine, you can see that we used different embellishments. Since mine will probably be a gift to someone local, I bulked it up with flowers, etc. Janell kept hers a bit flatter as she sells them in her Etsy Shop, CreateBcuzURpricless. This way they are a bit easier and cheaper to ship.

To see the original post with the measurements, click HERE

I hope you'll try and make one too. They are quite easy. Since I saw Janell's I've looked around and found different versions of these: Travel Pockets, Mother's Day Pockets, Valentines Pockets, etc. Some call them Loaded Envelopes. 

Check out my Pinterest page under Prayer Pockets, Loaded Envelopes to see more. Thanks for stopping by! 



  1. This is beautiful, Carmen. I love the idea and the portability of it. This would fit right in with our challenge at 2 Crafty Critter Crazies.

  2. Very nice Carmen. I like the style of this one. Would be a nice gift.

  3. Fabulous project Carmen, I love all the little details.


Thanks for the comments!