

Aug 5, 2017

The Period of Purple Crying


What a summer it's been! Though it has not come near us (fingers crossed), the wildfires are all around us. Kamloops is an evacuation center not only for people, but also for much livestock and pets. The corporate donations have been impressive, and the volunteers have been amazing! It's not over yet, as we are just coming into the hottest part of our summer. So we pray for intervention, as many thousands have already been affected by these fires. I am staying inside mostly as the smoke is thick and acrid outside. 

I thought I'd show you some of the caps I made for The Period of Purple. These are hats made for babies with shaken baby syndrome. They must be at least 50% purple. I found a few free patterns (there are some on their site) and made them up. I did mostly boys, as I believe there may be a shortage of boy hats. 

I would say the last one is more girlish, as there's a bit of pink in it, and the color is a red/purple.

The small balls of colorways acrylic yarn was perfect for these. They are only $1.00 a ball on sale, and one ball makes about 2 of these hats.

 I am hoping they can use these. There are some guidelines, such as size, color, and bulkiness.  It's all on their website if you want to have a look! 

Well, I certainly hope things calm down in BC soon. Pray for us, would you? 



  1. I hope the fires get put out soon and the air can clear up. My sons are in Seattle and it's smokey there also.

    1. Oh! It's so bad everywhere and it spans a very large area, so I'm not surprised your boys are dealing with it too! Crazy summer!!

  2. What beautiful hats - for such a sad cause!
    I believe there are firefighters from New Zealand heading over to help you. Who said Kiwi's can't fly! Our boys go all over the world to help in these situations.

    1. Oh my goodness!! And we SO appreciate their help, very, very much! The situation has been dire and people are getting weary. These are monster fires that are extremely difficult to fight! God bless your boys and keep them safe!!


Thanks for the comments!