

Jul 24, 2015

Sew There's This Baby Coming...

Another four months or so and there will be another member added to our family. These are exciting times and it's a good excuse to make more things. Right? Lol...Well I think so anyway

A couple of weeks ago my son and daughter in law came to stay with us a couple of nights so she and I worked on some baby projects. First we had to go to the fabric store and buy some flannelette for a baby blanket. 

You know, I have a lot of craft stuff and sometimes I feel a smidgen of guilt over that (sound familiar?). It sure comes in handy though! We grabbed my cutter and quilt mat and cut the flannelette into squares. 

About 160 of them! 

She was going to cut them all out by HAND! Can you imagine? So, you know, I'm so glad I have these tools especially since I still use them for cutting up sewing projects. 

After that we went into my closet and pulled out a bunch of wool felt that I have. Again -- so glad I have craft supplies because you can't get wool felt locally. She looked online and found some cute pictures, and we turned them into little woodland animals. 

Wanna seeee? 

Aren't they adorable?

She took them home and sewed them all by hand. Wait until you see what she made with them. In case you're wondering, the top right is a medley of leaves, and the bottom right is an acorn.

I used freezer paper and carbon paper....remember that stuff? It worked great for this project. I just traced the pictures onto the back of the freezer paper, then I cut them out about a quarter inch outside the lines, and then she ironed them waxy side down onto the felt. This makes it easy to cut and won't stretch the felt while cutting it. Each pattern piece really only sticks once on the felt.

She also picked up a wreath and tied some fishing line onto it. Can you see the fishing line in the middle of the wreath? Are you wondering what it is yet?

Then she picked up some of these. Confused?

Okay, I'll stop teasing you now! She is going with a Woodlands Animal theme for her nursery. So this mobile will fit in perfectly. She tied the animals on to face a bit downward so that the baby can see them.

I think it's adorable! 

Now onto the blanket --

We had some cutting to do, about 1 1/2 hours worth. We're very exact! That's the top 4 colors, and for the back we cut some striped fabric. Then she took it home and put it all together. Lots of sewing and cutting.

Here's the front of the blanket. Looks great doesn't it? 

And a photo with the backside showing -- see the stripes. She did an amazing job! I love it.

As an aside, we also made up a new removable cover for a nursing pillow her friend gave her. We did find a free pattern online but ended up having to alter it quite a bit, and it's still kind of tight. We'll probably make another cover or two for it. 

I felt like we accomplished a lot over the weekend.

And if you're wondering where I've been the last while, I went for holidays to Victoria. Always a great time!

Since then I've been studying...I have a bible study to put together for the middle of September and it's finally just coming together. It's lots of work and there's much more to do, but it's so worth it!

Have a great weekend and thanks for stopping by!!



  1. Congratulations to you all.

    Adorable work on this mobile

    Love Chrissie x

    1. Thanks so much Chrissie! I agree, she did such a good job on that mobile!!

  2. Congratulations and beautiful work!

  3. LOVE this! You are so talented! Congrats on the soon to be new edition too!

  4. That mobile is SOOO adorable. And the quilt turned out beautifully. That must have been such a bonding time for you and your DIL. How wonderful.

  5. Love your little felt animals! All your creations are so cute! I bet they will love them! :)


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