

May 14, 2013

Life is Great!

What a weekend! 

I hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day! We celebrated Mother's Day and my birthday this weekend...well, if you include Monday in the weekend. 

Anyway, it was a busy weekend with company and a fun Monday night dinner out with the family. My hubby gave me an Android for my birthday...and I couldn't be happier. Now I have to learn how to use it! It'll be a fun challenge. 

I made my Mom a really quick card. I can't remember where I first saw a similar one, but it involved paper piecing, which I love! 

I had fun taking a gel pen and outlining the paper pieces to highlight them. I like this simple style.

Here's what I've been pinning lately...very Pinteresting!

I started a "Quick Cards" board for some inspiration...sometimes you just need an idea for a quick card!

Have you heard of YUPO paper?

There's some new pins on my Free Digital Stamps board!

The photo below is the last pin on my Altered/Recycled Board...many of which are DIY.

 I've been walking every day lately. I am journaling it on my Pinterest Board "The View from Here"

When I've lost about 30 lbs, I'll start posting some pictures of myself on this journey to health! 

Well, have a great week! Remember, life may be hard, but it's easier if you choose to be happy anyway! 



  1. Oh I love that card! First time I've seen one in that style...

  2. Wonderful card! I love the mini pieces of should put up at SSS&S. Congrats on all the weight! Great inspiration!


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