

Apr 19, 2013's a Secret!


I participate in something called Secret Sisters, or Secret Prayer Pals. The idea is to pray for a certain someone (done by picking a name out of a hat), while letting them know through cards or small gift items that you're praying for them.

To me, this is a lot of FUN! So I'm in!

Recently I ran across an idea that I decided to copy. Now I've made a few of these, some with white backgrounds, and some with kraft stock. You never know when someone might want one, so I made extras.

However, here is the picture of the one I still have, because I'm so terrible at remembering to take pictures. Really. Terrible!
A $2 Dollar Store Frame, a $2.19 Hershey bar and the rest is history. Oh, except for the sentiment....and here's one if you want to make your own. You'll have to size it to fit your frame...but that's the easy part! 

Just click on the image above, it takes you to another window. Right click, Save as, and save it to a folder.
The white background is actually easier to read. I've used Kraft stock on the one in the picture above.

Oh, and if you too have a Secret Pal, I have a Pinterest board for Secret Pal Ideas...check it out! 

Speaking of Pinterest, I added a new board called Ummm, I Don't Know, because sometimes it's just hard to know what to think!

I know you're almost expecting this next topic. Crochet!
It's a newborn Minnie Mouse Hat! I cheated though...still have to sew on the buttons.

I just visited my parents in the undiscovered paradise of a little town named Lillooet, snuggled between the mountains in British Columbia. I included a link because it's beautiful there! 

While I was there, my mom gave me these. 
They're for paper tolle, but I want to use them for something else.

 Any ideas what I could do with these besides cards or scrapbooking? I think they're adorable! 

Well, that's all folks! I really should get on with my day before it gets away on me! 



  1. Oh my gosh Carmen I love the chocolate idea! My son in law loooooves chocolate so I am so going to do this for his birthday next month. Thanks for sharing! Next I wanted to say I am jealous! That trip to your parents looks magnificent. What a gorgeous place! Other then the snow (which I hate he he he) it looks like heaven. Hope you had a great time. Hugs,
    CDAC DT Member
    A Look Through My Eyes

  2. So nice. Thank you! :)

  3. Your creations are so adorable!!! The Minnie mouse hat is just the cutest ever! The images your mom saved for you are great too! Have a great weekend!

  4. Lovely project and the cutest hat ever - someone is going to like that hat!

  5. How fun!!! And yummy! Love your hat especially!


Thanks for the comments!