

Jan 26, 2013

Masculine Birthday Card


I have some birthdays in February that I want to get cards made for. My husband made a comment that I have supplies to make cards, but buy them at the last minute. 

Yes...I do that sometimes, but it's only because I get busy doing too many different things, and then the cards don't get made!

Pretty silly when I have tons of paper to use! So I promised myself that all the cards I send out this year would be handmade. 

Another promise I made myself, is that I will be creating most of the Christmas gifts we hand out this year as well. This one will be a bit harder, because there are lots of men in the family. We'll see how that one goes! 

Here's the card I made for my son. I have another card to make for my Dad. My son was born on my Dad's birthday, but it takes longer for the mail to get to my son, so his was made first. 
For some reason, whenever I make a card for this son, I am never happy with the results...but he'll probably be fine with it. 
This is how I did the inside. Plain and simple. 

The paper I used was the Prima Craftsman pad. 
The gears were Maya Road chipboard that I embossed with black embossing powder. The gear brads I bought from Alpha Stamps. I also embossed two of the papers with my Cuttlebug. (the little green plastic thing the replaces father, says my youngest son)...he thinks he's pretty funny. 

I should also tell you that I am finally on  PINTEREST!!!

Oh, I held off as long as I could. I fought it for months...but during my (ongoing) break (which I'm not doing well, am I?) I realized that Pinterest could very easily replace my FB page. It's an easier way for me to get interesting information to you without spending the amount of time I'm spending on everything now.

I don't think I'll ever stop blogging...I really love it. It's the only way I can get people to pay attention to me! (kidding, kidding).

Anyway, here's a link to my Pinterest page: I go by Carmen Gamble 1.

At the moment there's no picture, and only 11 boards with a few pins...but I'll have that baby filled up in no time! :) Don't you worry.

Well...time to make coffee.

Have a good day!


  1. Love the papers Carmen, and ofcourse the gears are fab. Is your son an architect or engineer?

  2. He's actually an electrician...but I figured it was close enough. friend says the card is so much nicer in real life. My photography skills are terrible!!

  3. I like the gears on the card too and that paper is perfect for guys. I have the hardest time making them cards. I don't have a Pinterest page, but I have bookmark folder for Pinterest pages and now you're in there. It is a great way to find out about other sites from people that have the same interests.

    1. I used to have a Pinterest folder too, for the same reason as you! I would just like to keep my online activity in one or two places otherwise it becomes too much for me
      . :)

  4. I like your manly looking cards. I always have trouble coming up with good cards. Yours is very nice.

    I have not done face book and looked over Pinterest, but the questions they asked made me wonder how secure it was.

    I would really love to have a pinterst account and am still thinking about it. Sure would make saving ideas easier.

    Do most of the rest of you ladies have a pinterest account?

    1. I am really enjoying Pinterest, but it is an open book to some degree. A blog really isn't much different as far as security goes. Anything online, really. I understand your concern though...we want to be smart about it!

  5. Love your card! It is awesome! I'm running low on cards too; especially ones for specific holidays and such. Just haven't been able to work on it for a bit! Hope you have a wonderful week! Great card!!! :)

    1. Thanks! I'm hoping to make more masculine cards...and am working on a way to take better pictures of them!

  6. I don't do facebook, blog or anything but I have just opened a pinterest board, a board with all the cards I just love and that inspire me and you have already been pinned!

  7. I haven't seen this paper...I need it! Love the shape of those gears too! Great find, and fabulous card!

  8. Love the card you made for your son. Looking forward to see the card you are going to make for your dad.

  9. I also thought Pintrest would be a great way to save things that I really want to make. There are just so many neat ideas and then I forget where I saw them.


Thanks for the comments!