

Dec 24, 2012

Merry Christmas!

I want to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas! I pray you will experience love, laughter and happiness this holiday season and throughout 2013. May you find yourself surrounded with family and good friends!

I thought the photo below was a good Christmas image. Why?
Picture Language Blog
Love truly does not fail. Not the kind of love they sing of, but a true unconditional love. A love that can wish others well with no regrets, no expectations, no jealousy. Just the pure love that we all long to have and receive.

My prayer for you is that you will experience this love in your lives. In mine, this love is God.

I want to thank each of you for following this little blog so faithfully over the last year! I appreciate your support! 

That said, enjoy your Christmas dinners and all the goodies which go along with that! 



  1. Merry Christmas Carmen and Happy New Year! Love the Word Art picture!

  2. Hoping you are having a great Christmas. WIshing you joy and blessings for 2013


Thanks for the comments!