

Jul 22, 2011

Cool Vintage Door Window Freebie!!

During my trip to Port Hardy, I found some interesting things to take pictures of and I'm going to share a couple of them with you today. I found this old door to a storage room at the fishing resort. Look at the cool window!! I'm pretty sure it's vintage! Keep scrolling down....:)

So I cut them out of the picture for you. I'm sure they'd look pretty cool on a project!! Now wouldn't the one below look cute with photos in the window areas? Or maybe a cool background?

This next one isn't vintage, but I like it anyway. It might work on a card or scrapbook page featuring a fishing trip. It was on a peg beside the door. First the photo as it was taken and then the cut out.

I also got some neat close up shots that might work as grunge backgrounds; seaweed, netting, rusty walls, etc.  I'm going to play with them a bit and see what I can come up with.

Remember to click on the images first to get a larger version, and then save them!

If you use one in a project and post it...send me the link and I'll include it with this post! It's fun to see what you do with them!

Here's some really creative inspiration from Chrissie's Cardland using the door window frame! Check out her awesome blog!

Have a good weekend!


  1. I took the 3rd picture down, thank you so much. I chose that one as I thought it could make a really neat fence, have a bird sitting on it maybe, and a Tilda behind it, oh! the mind
    Luv CHRISSYxx

  2. Really cool idea, Chrissy!! :)


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