

Sep 13, 2010

They've Arrived!!

Okay..sooooo, I know some of you may be expecting to see another card post. But, since I love a variety of crafts, this post is about something else. Here's some photos:

No cards here, but some jojoba oil, coconut oil, cocoa butter, shea butter, essential oils (oh, it's so hard not to open them up and smell them all), dead sea mud and salt, to mention a few things.

I am SO stoked!!

Here's some more:

I spy with my little eye...some grapefruit seed oil, goat's milk, bamboo charcoal uh-huh, wool--yep, wool!

Oh, and look at these cute little scoops~adorable, no? =D

I just love these beautiful micas, and would've bought more if I were less practical. Can't wait to try them!

Here's more mica that we found on the way home--it's hard to see when the photo was taken at 110 km an hour... but them thar hills are shimmering with mica! Beautiful!!

Anyway...I have a sewing project begging my attention right this minute, and I can't wait to see how that turns out. So sadly, these will have to go back in the box for a day or two before I can play with them. I'm looking forward to it!

Thanks for visiting, and hope you all have a wonderful week!



  1. OHHHHHHH, now you've gone and spoilt ma day, Carmen!! I LOVE crafts. I Used to make my own soap (using lye and all!!) I Used to sew everything I could! I used to...well, you name it! I Do still make my own botanical paper and handmade cards, which win me ribbons at the Fair every year...but Writing is my life and now I'm gonna have to make time to come here and soak up your creativity and sigh!! :)

  2. I really need to buy some of your luscious soaps! And yes, those scoops are adorable!


Thanks for the comments!